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Happy Hour Work Pool Party Skinny Architects Everywhere you looked there were more Architects Albo and his trained company of ducks smile for the picture Everyone adopted the duck of their choice. COST: 50 cents Kamyla posed with me. COST: $1.00 Erik getting the women drunk - pricesless Steve with his mouth open - not saying a word | LAKE08.02.08 Di-Greg | KOCHER 2008 | LakeKids 8.16.08 | AugFloat 2008 | LaborDay 2008 | | January 2008 | FEBRUARY 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | MAY 2008 | June 2008 | JULY 2008 | AUGU 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | December 2008 | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | the archieves | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | | Return Home | Past Years | 2014 | Christmas Cards | Wisdoms | Rams Tailgate | Miscellaneous | Contact Me | |