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Started off by going to 'Paradise' for Dinner Thursday night - by water Then a TOGA party at Miller's Bob has at least one nipple Coving out on the Fourth Me and the girls Watched the firework from Tan Tara. There must have been 3000 boats out there !!! Isn't she cute? Crazy boat ride - over 3000 boats out it was the red wine. Bulldogs at mile marker 33 for lunch Tony monitored us while coving out and then there was some swimming and some drinkin' Look who we ran into ! Hanging out on the dock Dan must be explaining something to me. nice hat ? just a really great weekend Victory - a nice weekend in 2008 :-) GOOD NIGHT | January 2008 | FEBRUARY 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | MAY 2008 | June 2008 | JULY 2008 | AUGU 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | December 2008 | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | the archieves | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | | Return Home | Past Years | 2014 | Christmas Cards | Wisdoms | Rams Tailgate | Miscellaneous | Contact Me | |