JACKS- the 28th and the 29th
28th- on the way

ben jenna jenny paul christine me annie

christine and steve

matt me danny

jenny christine danny

joel me jenny

me and jenna

me and jack

carls brother johnny me carl

paul jake jenny tj

me and danny

ha annie

me jimmy jenna chris nora

me and joel

jack danny joel jenna cutter

johnny and summer

jimmy and tj

29th- summer's bday! look bens out!

chris vs ben.... (ha u know who i'm talking to)

johnny and summer (birthday girl)

he had his own special room- leslie lindsay annie annie jack me

danny and meghan

danny and meghan

danny me and meghan

christine annie me

annie me christine

paletta caroline brewer

jp had a sexy hat

annie hits will- annie feels bad for hitting will- will forgives annie

me and will

| cutters6-14 | what i missed | summers616 | grants-joels | pauls624 | joels627 | jacks628-9 |
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